Content Coverage Expansion: New Additions in Western Europe

We are excited to announce an expansion in our content coverage, focusing on Western Europe. As part of our ongoing commitment to provide comprehensive and up-to-date regulatory data, RegGenome has now integrated new rulesets and regulations from several key Western European regulators into our network.

Our latest update includes regulatory data from:

  • France: New regulations from the Data Protection Authority, Commission Nationale de L’Informatique et des Libertés, and the Financial Intelligence Unit, Intelligence Processing and Action against illicit Financial Networks
  • Spain: Updated rulesets from the Cortes Generales, the Bank of Spain and Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores
  • Portugal: New compliance requirements from the Central Bank of Portugal, and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission
  • Ireland: Regulations from the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau, the Data Protection Commission and the Central Bank of Ireland

Benefits for Our Users

This expansion enhances our users’ ability to:

  • Stay Ahead of Regulatory Changes: With more comprehensive data, users can ensure compliance with the latest regulations across Western Europe, reducing the risk of non-compliance.
  • Streamline Compliance Processes: Our AI-driven data solutions transform these complex regulations into standardised, actionable data, making it easier to integrate into existing compliance systems.
  • Enhance Regulatory Research: Access to contextually aware metadata allows for more in-depth regulatory research, providing valuable insights for strategic decision-making.

RegGenome remains dedicated to expanding our regulatory data coverage, ensuring our users have access to the most accurate and comprehensive regulatory information. This update is part of our broader strategy to support global compliance needs, offering unparalleled clarity and efficiency in navigating the complex regulatory landscape. Use our Content Coverage Tool to explore our current content coverage and stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our offerings and support your compliance journey.

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Discover our range of resources designed to help you streamline regulatory risk management and stay ahead of regulatory complexities.

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